Sunday, March 21, 2010


Q Baqarah : 111 - And they say: "None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian." Those are their (vain) desires. Say: "Produce your proof if ye are truthful."
and Bible said---- "I THESSALONIANS 5 : 21. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good"

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Sabda Rasulullah:

"Kiamat itu ada dua... Kiamat Sugra (Kecil) dan Kiamat Qubra (Besar)... Kiamat Sugra ialah Kiamat dimuka bumi sahaja diakhir zaman... Akan masih ada segolongan kecil yang hidup untuk pembiakan umat baru yang akan bertemu Nabi Isa A.S... Manakala Kiamat Qubra ialah Kiamat yang seluruh alam semesta dan galaksi hancur... Tiada lagi manusia yang hidup, dan tiada lagi bumi..."

"Umatku ada dimuka bumi ini selama 1,500 tahun lamanya... Sebelum terjadinya Kiamat Qubra, akan tiba Kiamat Sugra... Sebelum datangnya Kiamat Sugra, akan ada tanda-tandanya... Begitu juga sebelum tibanya Kiamat Qubra..."

Ayat al-Quran:
"Tidakkah kamu (manusia) melihat bagaimana Allah menghapuskan kaum terdahulu sebelum kamu, sedangkan mereka (kaum terdahulu) dari tamadun yang hebat, membina bangunan dari tembok-tembok kukuh..."

"Apabila manusia terlalu banyak melakukan kerosakan dimuka bumi ini, Allah akan perintahkan bumi bergoncang, gunung memuntahkan isinya, langit menurunkan hujan, sehingga mereka (manusia) menjadi hancur-sehancurnya... Dan Allah akan menggantikan mereka dengan umat yang baru..."

Ust.Harun Din dlm ceramah dia, ada membaca sebuah artikel yg menceritakan bahawa dunia ni dah nak kiamat ... Planet Marikh (planet ke-4 dan paling dekat dengan bumi) telah mengalami pusingan yang terbalik pada bulan Sept 2008 lepas.. Maknanya, planet yg dekat dgnnya jugak (bumi la) akan bertukar arah pergerakan dia.. Maka pada saat tu akan terjadi kejadian matahari tenggelam sebelah timur...

Penjelasan Saintifik Bagaimana Ia Berlaku:
Untuk pengetahuan semua, sebuah planet bernama Nibiru atau planet X (oleh NASA) sedang melengkapkan putaran orbitnya yang berlaku setiap 3600 tahun.. Planet ini 100 kali ganda besar bumi dan sama besar dengan planet Jupiter (Musytari). Dijangkakan pada 21/12/2012 planet ini akan memberi kesan paling dahsyat kepada bumi dengan memutarkan kutub-kutub ke kedudukan terbalik (polar shifting) yang dijangkakan oleh NASA.

Pada bulan Mei 2009 lalu Planet X berwarna merah jelas kelihatan oleh semua penduduk bumi selama sebulan antara jam 1am - 3am...

Peristiwa ini seperti yang pernah berlaku semasa banjir besar zaman Nabi Nuh AS dahulu.. Planet ini tak menghentam bumi tapi tarikan gravitinya yang sangat kuat akan mengganggu bumi... Ia hanya akan lalu diantara bumi dan matahari dimana kecerahannya berwarna kemerah-merahan seakan-akan anak matahari..
(Tanda tibanya kiamat kecil objek merah di langit kelihatan)...

Amerika Syarikat dan negara barat lain sedang sibuk membuat persiapan menghadapi keadaan ini dengan membina beberapa penempatan sementara di banjaran-banjaran gunung lengkap dengan makanan yang mampu bertahan 3 tahun kerana dianggarkan 2/3 penduduk bumi ini akan lenyap...

Di norway misalnya mereka membina sebuah gudang menyimpan segala biji benih di sebuah bukit lengkap dengan ciri-ciri keselamatan dan dari ancaman bencana..
(Rujuk paper bulan Februari 2008, kosmo, Berita Harian dan lain-lain)

Benarlah sabda RASULULLAH
Satu hari nanti bumi akan hancur dan ditenggelami air selama 40 hari, dan satu zaman baru muncul dipanggil back to ancient berlaku dimana segala teknologi pupus dan manusia akan kembali seperti zaman purba, berperang dengan pedang cara kuno...

Jadi bersedialah kita umat Islam...ALLAHHU AKBAR..!!

Kajian... (ALLAH Maha Mengetahui dan mahu kita berfikir..)

a) Mengikut hadith umat Rasulullah akan hidup selama 1500 tahun... Sekarang sudah 1440 = 426 + 12 tahun hijrah.... Daripada ini kita ketahui kita akan bertahan dalam masa 61 tahun lagi..
Jikalau ini benar, Alam akan kiamat (Besar) pada tahun 2066...

b) Saintis telah menjumpai sebuah planet yang lebih kecil daripada bumi yang menghala ke bumi.. Ia telah dianggarkan bahawa planet itu akan melanggar bumi pada tahun 2014.
Namun, Amerika telah cuba untuk menukarkan orbitnya dengan menembaknya dengan sebuah roket...

Dan saintis juga telah menjumpai sebuah planet yang jauh lebih besar dari Bumi juga akan menghentam bumi dalam masa 60 tahun lagi...
Jikalau ini benar, dunia akan musnah pada tahun 2065.....

c) Dan dikatakan kuasa Israel akan mencapai puncaknya pada tahun 2007... Mereka merancang memusnahkan Kaabah pada tahun 2011...
(Meruntuhkan Kaabah mengundang kemurkaan Allah, mungkinlah juga Kiamat Kecil 2012 itu disebabkan kemurkaan Allah)
Dan kuasa Israel akan jatuh semula dalam 14 tahun, iaitu tahun 2022, disebabkan oleh penurunan semula Nabi Isa..... .
Dan hadith mengatakan bahawa Nabi Isa hanya akan hidup selama 40 tahun dan dunia akan kiamat selepas itu..

Jikalau ini benar dunia akan kiamat pada tahun 2062...

Dianggarkan Kiamat Qubra (Besar) Antara Tahun 2062-2066...

Wallahu'alam. .. Semua ini telah dikaji...

Dan yang dipercayai paling tepat ialah hadith yang mengatakan bahawa umat Rasulullah akan bertahan selama 1500 tahun...
Kita telah berada di bumi ini selama 1440 tahun...

Cubalah anda kirakan sendiri...

Beribadatlah wahai umat Islam sekalian...
Kiamat pasti tiba. hanya orang yang leka dengan dunia sahaja yang akan rugi. Berhibur tidak salah tapi jangan lupa apa yang disuruh oleh Allah.

Patuhi suruhan Allah dan tinggalkan yang mungkar.Marilah sama-sama mendoakan kesejahteraan untuk semua umat Islam...

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Don’t retreat and don’t surrender till the death come!

This is for all Palestinians. All of u can do this.
How to make a mass destruction on the Jews tanks and their army’s movement with rocks or a single rock.

Follow this ways

1. take a stone or 99 stones, small or as a size of your hand.
Read Shurah Al-Fiil(-Alamtarakaifa faa laa rabbuka bis ahabil fiil…-SEE THE PICTURE!)- 7 times to the water.(or the stone if u want to use a single stone only)
2. Put the stones in that water for one night.
3. Take the stones in the morning and throw it to the tanks and their army.
InshaAllah-They will die in vain, their tanks will weak and destroy.
4. MUST REMEMBER! While you throw the stone one by one…. Shout loudly “ALLAHUAKBAR!”- this is important to make wavevoice for the stone. The force will be with the stone to destroy anykind of Jew’s equipments.- when you shout ‘ALLAHUAKBAR’. Do it with one team in one shout together.

Inshallah with this way you can destroy all of them with those stones.
Tell the others and make a big team to attack the Jews with it. Inshallah, the victory will come fast! Trust me… it will happen!

Don’t retreat and don’t surrender till the death come!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Maulidur Rasul (dalam bahasa Arab bermaksud kelahiran Rasul) adalah hari bersejarah keputeraan Nabi Muhammad. Hari ini jatuh pada hari ke-12 bulan Rabiul Awal sempena kelahiran Nabi yang jatuh pada pada hari Khamis 12 Rabiul Awal Tahun Gajah bersamaan dengan 23 April 571. Baginda adalah nabi terakhir yang diutus oleh Allah Subhanahu Wataala. Tapak kelahiran baginda pula kini mempunyai satu bangunan kecil yang dikenali sebagai Maulid Nabi.

Setiap tahun pada hari itu, umat Islam di seluruh dunia akan mengadakan majlis memperingati keputeraan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w dengan mengadakan beberapa acara seperti perarakan, ceramah dan sebagainya. Banyak kelebihan dan keistimewaan yang akan dikurniakan oleh Allah Subhanahu Wataala kepada mereka yang dapat mengadakan atau menghadiri majlis Maulidur Rasul.

Kita dapat lihat betapa besarnya kelebihan orang yang memuliakan majlis keputeraan Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, kerana bila berniat sahaja hendak mengadakan Maulud Nabi, sudah pun dikira mendapat pahala dan dimuliakan. Sememangnya bernazar untuk melakukan sesuatu yang baik merupakan doa dan dikira amal salih.

Jelas kepada kita bahawa pembalasan Allah Subhanahu Wataala terhadap kebaikan begitu cepat sehinggakan terdetik sahaja di hati hendak berbuat kebaikan, sudah Allah Subhanahu Wataala akan memberi pembalasan yang tiada ternilai. Seseorang yang beriman, kuat bersandar kepada Allah, ketika di dalam kesusahan dia tetap tenang dan hatinya hanya mengadu kepada Allah dan mengharapkan pertolongan dan kasih sayang Allah Subhanahu Wataala.

Keberkatan mengadakan Majlis Maulud itu bukan sahaja didapati oleh orang yang mengadakan majlis itu, tetapi seluruh ahli rumah atau orang yang tinggal di tempat itu turut mendapat keberkatannya.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Abraham is widely regarded as the Patriarch of monotheism and the common father of the Jews, Christians and Muslims. Through His second son, Isaac, came all Israelite prophets including such towering figures as Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon and Jesus. May peace and blessings be upon them all. The advent of these great prophets was in partial fulfillment of God's promises to bless the nations of earth through the descendents of Abraham (Genesis12:2-3).Such fulfillment is wholeheartedly accepted by Muslims whose faith considers the belief in and respect of all prophets an article of faith.

Was the first born son of Abraham (Ishmael) and his descendants included in God's covenant and promise? A few verses from the Bible may help shed some light on this question;
1) Genesis 12:2-3 speaks of God's promise to Abraham and his descendants before any child was born to him.
2) Genesis 17:4 reiterates God's promise after the birth of Ishmael and before the birth of Isaac.
3) In Genesis, ch. 21. Isaac is specifically blessed but Ishmael was also specifically blessed and promised by God to become "a great nation" especially in Genesis 21:13, 18.
4) According to Deuteronomy 21:15-17 the traditional rights and privileges of the first born son are not to be affected by the social status of his mother (being a "free" woman such as Sarah, Isaac's mother, or a "Bondwoman" such as Hagar, Ishmael's mother). This is only consistent with the moral and humanitarian principles of all revealed faiths.
5) The full legitimacy of Ishmael as Abraham's son and "seed" and the full legitimacy of his mother, Hagar, as Abraham's wife are clearly stated in Genesis 21:13 and 16:3. After Jesus, the last Israelite messenger and prophet, it was time that God's promise to bless Ishmael and his descendants be fulfilled. Less than 600years after Jesus, came the last messenger of God, Muhammad, from the progeny of Abraham through Ishmael. God's blessing of both of the main branches of Abraham's family tree was now fullfilled. But are there additional corroborating evidence that the Bible did in fact foretell the advent of prophet Muhammad?

MUHAMMAD:The Prophet Like Unto Moses
Long time after Abraham, God's promise to send the long-awaited Messenger was repeated this time in Moses' words.In Deuteronomy 18:18, Moses spoke of the prophet to be sent by God who is:
1) From among the Israelite's "brethren", a reference to their Ishmaelite cousins as Ishmael was the other son of Abraham who was explicitly promised to become a "great nation".
2) A prophet like unto Moses. There were hardly any two prophets ,who were so much alike as Moses and Muhammad. Both were given comprehensive law code of life, both encountered their enemies and were victors in miraculous ways, both were accepted as prophets/statesmen and both migrated following conspiracies to assassinate them. Analogies between Moses and Jesus overlooks not only the above similarities but other crucial ones as well (e.g. the natural birth, family life and death of Moses and Muhammad but not of Jesus, who was regarded by His followers as the Son of God and not exclusively a messenger of God, as Moses and Muhammad were and as Muslim belief Jesus was).

Deuteronomy 33:1-2 combines references to Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. It speaks of God (i.e. God's revelation) coming from Sinai, rising from Seir (probably the village of Sa'ir near Jerusalem) and shining forth from Paran. According to Genesis 21:21, the wilderness of Paran was the place where Ishmael settled (i.e. Arabia, specifically Mecca).
Indeed the King James version of the Bible mentions the pilgrims passing through the valley of Ba'ca (another name of Mecca) in Psalms 84:4-6.
Isaiah 42:1-13 speaks of the beloved of God. His elect and messenger who will bring down a law to be awaited in the isles and who "shall not fail nor be discouraged till he have set judgement on earth." Verse 11, connects that awaited one with the descendants of Ke'dar. Who is Ke'dar? According to Genesis 25:13, Ke'dar was the second son of Ishmael, the ancestor of prophet Muhammad.

Habakkuk 3:3 speaks of God (God's help) coming from Te'man (an Oasis North of Medina according to J. Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible), and the holy one (coming) from Paran. That holy one who under persecution migrated from Paran (Mecca) to be received enthusiastically in Medina was none but prophet Muhammad.Indeed the incident of the migration of the prophet and his persecuted followers is vividly described in Isaiah 21:13-17. That section foretold as well about the battle of Badr in which the few ill-armed faithful miraculously defeated the "mighty" men of Ke'dar, who sought to destroy Islam and intimidate their own folks who turned -to Islam.

For twenty-three years, God's words (the Qur'an) were truely put into Muhammad's mouth. He was not the "author" of the Qur'an. The Qur'an was dictated to him by Angel Gabriel who asked Muhammad to simply repeat the words of the Qur'an as he heard them. These words were then committed to memory and to writing by those who hear them during Muhammad's life time and under his supervision.
Was it a coincidence that the prophet "like unto Moses" from the "brethren" of the Israelites (i.e. from the lshmaelites) was also described as one in whose mouth God will put his words and that he will speak in the name of God, (Deuteronomy 18:18-20). Was it also a coincidence the "Paraclete" that Jesus foretold to come after Him was described as one who "shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak (John 16:13)
Was it another coincidence that Isaiah ties between the messenger connected with Ke'dar and a new song (a scripture in a new language) to be sang unto the Lord (Isaiah 42:10-11). More explicitly, prophesies Isaiah "For with stammering lips, and another tongue, will he speak to this people" (Isaiah 28:11). This latter verse correctly describes the "stammering lips" of Prophet Muhammad reflecting the state of tension and concentration he went through at the time of revelation. Another related point is that the Qur'an was revealed in piece-meals over a span of twenty three years. It is interesting to compare this with Isaiah 28:10 whichspeaks of the same thing.

Up to the time of Jesus (peace be upon him), the Israelites were still awaiting for that prophet like unto Moses prophecied in Deuteronomy 18:18. When John the Baptist came, they asked him if he was Christ and he said "no". They asked him if he was Elias and he said "no". Then, in apparent reference to Deuteronomy 18:18, they asked him "Art thou that Prophet" and he answered, "no". (John 1: 1 9-2 1).
In the Gospel according to John (Chapters 14, 15, 16) Jesus spoke of the "Paraclete" or comforter who will come after him, who will be sent by Father as another Paraclete, who will teach new things which the contemporaries of Jesus could not bear. While the Paraclete is described as the spirit of truth, (whose meaning resemble Muhammad's famous title Al-Amin, the trustworthy), he is identified in one verse as the Holy Ghost (John 14:26). Such a designation is however inconsistent with the profile of that Paraclete. In the words of the Dictionary of the Bible, (Ed. J. Mackenzie) "These items, it must be admitted do not give an entirely coherent picture."
Indeed history tells us that many early Christians understood the Paraclete to be a man and not a spirit. This might explain the followings who responded to some who claimed, without meeting the criteria stipulated by Jesus, to be the awaited "Paraciete".
It was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who was the Paraclete, Comforter, helper, admonisher sent by God after Jesus. He testified of Jesus, taught new things which could not be borne at Jesus' time, he spoke what he heard (revelation), he dwells with the believers (through his well-preserved teachings). Such teachings will remain forever because he was the last messenger of God, the only Universal Messenger to unite the whole of humanity under God and on the path of PRESERVED truth. He told of many things to come which "came to pass" in the minutest detail meeting, the criterion given by Moses to distinguish between the true prophet and the false prophets (Deuteronomy 18:22). He did reprove the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgement (John 16:8-11)

Following the rejection of the last Israelite prophet, Jesus, it was about time that God's promise to make Ishmael a great nation be fulfilled (Genesis 21:13, 18)
In Matthew 21:19-21, Jesus spoke of the fruitless fig tree (A Biblical symbol of prophetic heritage) to be cleared after being given a last chance of three years (the duration of Jesus' ministry) to give fruit. In a later verse in the same chapter, Jesus said: "Therefore, say I unto you, The Kingdom of God shall be taken away from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruit thereof" (Matthew 21:43). That nation of Ishmael's descendants (the rejected stone in Matthew 21:42) which was victorious against all super-powers of its time as prophecied by Jesus: "And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken, but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder" (Matthew 21:44).

Is it possible that the numerous prophecies cited here are all individually and combined out of context misinterpretations? Is the opposite true, that such infrequently studied verses fit together consistently and clearly point to the advent of the man who changed the course of human history, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Is it reasonable to conclude that all these prophecies, appearing in different books of the Bible and spoken by various prophets at different times were all coincidence? If this is so here is another strange "coincidence"!
One of the signs of the prophet to come from Paran (Mecca) is that he will come with "ten thousands of saints" (Deuteronomy 33:2 KJV). That was the number of faithful who accompanied Prophet Muhammad to Paran (Mecca) in his victorious, bloodless return to his birthplace to destroy the remaining symbols of idolatry in the Ka'bah.
Says God as quoted by Moses:And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him. (Deuteronomy 18:19)
Dear Readers:May the light of truth shine in your heart and mind. May it lead you to peace and certitude in this life and eternal bliss in hereafter.
"Prove everything and hold tight on it!"